Neotype sam negdje vidio, na Fratellu ili negdje. Fora dizajn ali osobno mi je 700 plus eura za Miyotu i VK64 malo preveć. S druge strane, matične kuće iste mehanizme pakiraju i za više love pa jbga.
Neotype mi je top al previse je bogme malo. A ovaj drugi je 315. To je vec ok cifra.sinner77 je napisao/la:Neotype sam negdje vidio, na Fratellu ili negdje. Fora dizajn ali osobno mi je 700 plus eura za Miyotu i VK64 malo preveć. S druge strane, matične kuće iste mehanizme pakiraju i za više love pa jbga.
Sent from my Iskra ETA-80 using Tapatalk
The classic divers watch appeared in the movie that has been modified by “Q” to include a buzz-saw bezel, which 007(Roger Moore) uses to free himself and Solitaire (Jane Seymour) before they could be fed to the sharks. We redesigned a quartz watch to function like the one in the movie, the buzz-saw shape bezel and a 360 degree spinning case. There was a small hole in the end links from the original watch prop, which allowed wire to be attached for some scenes. And we made it for you too, giving you a funny experience and, bringing up memories.
WMT- MI6-010A
"Do you like having a good time? Then you need a good watch!" - Rocky Balboa, Rocky II, 1979
Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
SEL ima fora modela, ali cijene su WTF. Narukvica je dodatnih 1800$ lol.
Napravio sam si cool konfiguraciju ali koštao bi me 7200$
Čak i rabljeni su papreno skupi...
https://www.watchuseek.com/threads/fsot ... y.5595390/
Napravio sam si cool konfiguraciju ali koštao bi me 7200$
Čak i rabljeni su papreno skupi...
https://www.watchuseek.com/threads/fsot ... y.5595390/
"Do you like having a good time? Then you need a good watch!" - Rocky Balboa, Rocky II, 1979
Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
Zgleda ko da je Marathon silovao vodomjer. ... cijenu neću komentirati.
sinner77 je napisao/la:Zgleda ko da je Marathon silovao vodomjer. ... cijenu neću komentirati.
Ajd otiđi na IG stranicu brenda pa im to napiši
"Do you like having a good time? Then you need a good watch!" - Rocky Balboa, Rocky II, 1979
Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
Jesam.Rocky je napisao/la:sinner77 je napisao/la:Zgleda ko da je Marathon silovao vodomjer. ... cijenu neću komentirati.
Ajd otiđi na IG stranicu brenda pa im to napiši
Hahahaha, bravo.