Drastičan porast vrijednosti ‘švicarca’ uzrokovao paniku u urarskoj industriji
Šokantan potez Švicarske narodne banke oko ukidanja umjetne granice između valute eura i švicarskog franka je rezultirao drastičnim porastom vrijednosti nacionalne švicarske valute. Međutim ono što se dogodilo će vjerojatno ući kao ključni statistički trenutak u posljednjih 25 godina, jer je zabilježen pad dionica najvećih švicarskih kompanija, od kojih velikim djelom čine i urarske manufakture, od 9 pa sve do zabrinjavajućih 16 %.
Rast valute švicarskog franka je dvosjekli mač. Sa gledišta satne industrije, manufakure time postaju bogatije jer im vrijednost raste, no istovremeno radi porasta franka u odnosu na strane valute (ponajviše dolar i euro), cijene njihovih satova drastično se povećavaju, čime se automatski rezultira i manjim izvozom. Predstavnik jedne od najluksuznijih manjih manufaktura, Max Busser iz MB&F-a je prokomentirao ovaj potez kao “gigantsku bol” satne industrije. Swatch grupa, jedna od najvećih korporacija satne industrije koja pod sobom ima brandove poput Omege, Bregueta, Blancpaina, Glashutte Originala, Longinesa i Tissota je samo u posljednjih 24 sata izgubila 15% vrijednosti svojih dionica. Nick Hayek, izvršni direktor Swatch grupe prokomentirao je ovaj potez Švicarske nacionalne banke da je poput “tsunamija, kao za izvoz, tako i za turizam, a na kraju krajeva i za cijelu državu”.
Posljedice ove odluke već su vidljive, navodno da je drastično dizanje cijena krenulo u punom zamahu, u nekim slučajevima i do 20%, a prema informacijama news portala iz svijeta, službeni distributeri i zastupnici švicarskih brandova su počeli otkazivati svoje narudžbe.Jedna od prvih osoba iz satne industrije koja je odmah poduzela korake je Edouard Meylan, direktor luksuznog branda H. Moser & Cie. U nastavku možete pročitati otvoreno pismo koje je poslano predsjedniku Švicarske narodne banke.
Neuhausen am Rheinfall,
January 15th, 2015
Dear Mr. President,
I wanted to personally and publicly thank you, regarding your dramatic move releasing the minimum Swiss Franc exchange rate of 1.20 to the Euro.When I woke up that morning I had a strange feeling. As I checked the news, I wondered, “What am I going to do today?” aside from our usual business in January. There was no new conflict, no big news about emerging markets slowing down, and thank goodness, no new terror attack.
I am an entrepreneur, and I own a small watch manufacture called H. Moser & Cie, based in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Very Rare is our tagline at H. Moser & Cie. Very Rare, because we produce 1,000 watches, we are entrepreneurs in an independent, family-owned business that employs 55 people, and because we are a manufacture in the true sense of the word, developing and producing our own ingenious watches.
As an entrepreneur in a small Swiss company, I like a challenge; whether it’s the pressure from the big luxury groups in supply or distribution. Or, a fight to do more with small budgets against the avalanche of big advertising and marketing. Well, today, Mr. President, your dramatic move helped step it up a notch: over 95% of our watches are sold to people outside of Switzerland, and the first retailers called the same day to cancel orders.
So this morning at 10:38 when my CFO sent me an email titled “Breaking News”, I thought “aha, finally something to do”. Something that forces me to find smart solutions to continue our growth and improving profitability and to ensure continuity for H. Moser & Cie. and the jobs for 55 people working for me.In fact, one thought crossed my mind: why not just move 2 kilometres into Germany and continue business as usual in the EU? I’ll even beat that other restriction on permits for workers from the EU that came up in February 2014 – around 20% of my employees are German.
Let me make my appeal clear to you, on behalf of the many small and mid-size businesses that employ so many Swiss people: I trust you have a strong plan that will help all of us make it through with you over the long term. Because otherwise, along with many other wonderful Swiss creations, H. Moser watches may just have become very, very, very rare.
Edouard Meylan
CEO of H. Moser & Cie.
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